(一)Asymmetric Cell Division In Vertebrate Brain Development
报告人: 耿安奇副教授、李谧副教授
主持人:集团888官网 王茜院长
(一)Asymmetric division of progenitor/stem cells plays an important role in cell fate specification and tissue morphogenesis during development. This process is also critical for tissue homeostasis and repair in adulthood. Since dys-regulation of asymmetric division can lead to a variety of developmental and intellectual disabilities, it is critical to understand the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms. Studies in invertebrate systems have identified important cortical polarity regulators, which ensure proper segregation of fate determinants into two daughter cells. Compared to these advances, much less is understood about the regulation of asymmetric division and subsequent daughter fate choice in vertebrates. Radial glia (RG) progenitors, the principal neural stem cells (NSCs) in the vertebrate brain, divide asymmetrically to balance self-renewal and differentiation are critical for brain development, but how the process is regulated and what components of the cell division machinery is involved are not well understood. we propose to use the mice developing brain as a model to address this question. We test the central hypothesis that the intercellular bridge (ICB) has a potential link to regulate cell fate determination. Our results identify a RGS–KIF20A-SEPT7 axis in the regulation of cell division in the ICB of dividing NPCs playing an essential role in maintaining the proliferative state of NPCs during cortical development.
耿安奇副教授现就职于集团888官网。2007年获中国农业大学生物化学与分子生物学博士学位,2007年--2011年在中国科学院上海生命科学888集团神经科学研究所任助理研究员。2011年--2018年在美国加州希望城医学中心贝克曼研究所博士后研究。2019年加入集团888官网,主要从事神经干细胞、脑结构与功能发育的研究。应用模式动物、胚胎干细胞/多能干细胞、神经干细胞为研究对象, 目前主要研究方向为脑结构与功能环路发育,基于脑创伤模型下的成年神经干细胞的定向分化以及人类神经系统疾病的研究。近5年来,以第一作者或共同第一作者在Nature communications, Cerebral Cortex 等期刊发表学术论文多篇。目前主要工作集中与大脑发育。
李谧副教授现就职于集团888官网。博士毕业于北京大学医学部,毕业后赴美国威斯康星大学从事博士后研究,有多年的衰老与神经退行性疾病的分子机制的研究经验。研究结果发表于J Exp Med,Neurobiology of Aging,J Neurosci等期刊。